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Matt Wanbon and Adam Gibson
Matt Wanbon
Adam Gibson
AMfilmProductions, is a little soon to be film making company. Created by friends, Adam Gibson and Matt Wanbon, showcasing local snowboard talent such as Justin Fram, Tyler Cheveldave, Ben Cousins, Matt Wanbon, Adam Gibson, Dakota Martin, Baylan Mcgraw, Keaton Reid, and a few others they dont care to mention. (we're kidding). Since Adam and Matt are now legends in the snowboard community, (maybe I embellished that a bit), they both are sponsored riders riding for Island Snow Board Shop (I am seriously impressed).
So far AMfilmProductions is based on You Tube and Facebook but these young entrepreneurs have plans to make a full length film and hopefully have their own website in the future. Adam and Matt are both 15 years old, are currently attending Mount Boucherie Secoundary School, and ride at Big White Ski Resort. (of course!). Hey, all kidding aside. We understand what it takes to make great videos and we wish Matt,Adam, and all their friends the best of luck. We will be watching out for you future filmmakers so please keep us updated. If you're into some awesome snowboard videos, head over to Youtube and check these guys out. AMFilmProductions on Youtube Mark Irving
Mark Irving, a captivating singer/songwriter based out of Kelowna, BC. has been songwriting for over 15 years.His most recent success was winning a cross Canada talent search hosted by GMA Canada 2010 in Calgary, AB. with over 400 competitors. Mark Irving is headed out on another tour of Alberta stopping first in Calgary to record his debut EP entitled “Memories of Tomorrow”. He has sold several hundred copies of his demo self titled release but would like to release an EP with recording quality that matches the writing quality. Join Him in Alberta for this joyous occasion or follow him on twitter or Facebook. A good friend of mine sent me an email and gave us the heads up about Mark. Well, I can honestly say this guy has talent. My favorite song is "While You Hide". Check out Mark Irving on his website.
Also, you can see Mark this week at the Minstrel Cafe on Jan 14 at 8 PM. All the best of luck Mark. Give us a heads up when your album is released.Enjoy this soundclip.