“MBF swaggers with soulful credibility that blends seamlessly with a soft pop persuasion to create a pretty slick sounding album. On any scale, MBF is stirring, emotive and an excellent song writer.” - Fazer, 2010
There’s a lot to love about Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (MBF). His sweet, approachable disposition gives way to an undeniable confidence onstage. He is a man who can break hearts playing solo with an acoustic guitar and loop pedal, and in equal measure, make venues soar with full backing bands, choirs and dancers. From his spontaneous live show song-sampling that name checks the likes of Alanis, TLC, Ke$ha and Flo-rida, right down to his trademark canvas kicks, MBF personifies his music: optimistic, uplifting, honest, daring and full of love. Michael Bernard Fitzgerald with Paperboy
$15 (+ $2.50 tx & sc) $18 at the door Doors at 8pm, Show at 9pm
Watch this video of MBF after the jump my friends...Btw, I had never heard his music before and I must say I really enjoy his tone and style. There is a short interview at the end of the video. Quick question/answer thingie. Very good stuff.