Okanagan Media is a marketing firm that specializes is High Definition Real Estate Visual Tours. The days of the "virtual tour" and the dreaded picture slide show is over! Welcome to the evolution of the REAL walk-through.
Did you know that 84% of home buyers use the internet and video tours as a resource when they are searching for a new home, and only 33% attend open houses. Once you have an Okanagan Media Video Tour, you have created a 24/7 online open house that buyers can conveniently experience from their home or office computer.
Okanagan Media Video Tours allow buyers to quickly determine if they are interested in taking the next step of making an appointment to go out and visit a property, which saves both your time and theirs. Buyers who have taken a video tour before they arrive already have a general idea of what they are going to see, and are often more focused and prepared to do business. Buyers who don't use video tours spend an average of three times longer with a realtor before making a purchase decision.
Okanagan Media Video Tours allow buyers to quickly determine if they are interested in taking the next step of making an appointment to go out and visit a property, which saves both your time and theirs. Buyers who have taken a video tour before they arrive already have a general idea of what they are going to see, and are often more focused and prepared to do business. Buyers who don't use video tours spend an average of three times longer with a realtor before making a purchase decision.
If you're a Realtor in Kelowna, and you have not "embraced " technology, then you need to watch this video...